Friday, March 7, 2014

My Little Bride (2004)

Young love is one of my favorite subjects when it comes to a good story. I just think that the innocence of it is what makes it beautiful and special.
DVD Cover

When I first watched My Little Bride, I remember seeing it with my mom and we both enjoyed the movie. It was funny, entertaining, cute and innocent. There is something in Moon Geun Young's eyes that exude innocence which greatly helped her in portraying her role in the movie.

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My Little Bride (Hangeul: 어린 신부 / Eorin Shinbu) is a 2004 South Korean film about two individuals named Bo Eun and Sang Min who were forced to marry each other in order to fulfill the pact made by both of their grandfathers.

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The only problem in this romantic comedy film is that Bo Eun is just a 15 year old school girl who does not want to marry just yet and is crushing on the star baseball player in their school. Also, Sang Min, even if much older than Bo Eun, is not too keen on the idea of losing his bachelorhood so soon only to live with a high school girl under the same roof.

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Will their marriage actually work?


My Little Bride was a remake of My Wife is 18, a hit Hong Kong film in 2002.

Moon Geun Young and Kim Rae Won portrayed the roles of Bo Eun and Sang Min respectively.


If you have read my previous posts, you'll see that entertainment and feeling good are two of the things that matter to me whenever I go watch a movie. There may be times when I am up for a good scare or for something that will make my mind make sense of the twists and turns of the story but in general, I watch movies to relax.

Having said that, this romcom movie did not disappoint me when it comes to getting entertained and feeling relaxed. The general mood of the film was feel good even during the scenes when the newlywed couple was struggling with their new setup.

This is a movie that you can enjoy if you are looking for something that is funny and entertaining. But if you are looking for a film with more depth, I'm afraid you will have to consider something else.

Happy weekend guys!

Til next time!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

3 Idiots (2009)

Aal Izz Well... Aal Izz Well... Aal Izz Well...

If you have seen this movie, you very well know those powerful three word mantra I wrote above.

I remember my husband (my then boyfriend at that time) telling me that I should watch this film but I never found the time to do it so until one day, one of my girlfriends asked me if I've seen 3 Idiots. The moment she asked me about the movie and told me that it was a good one, I knew that I really have to make time and watch it because these two (my husband and my friend) know my taste when it comes to movies.


3 Idiots (Hindi -३ इडियट) is a 2009 Indian drama comedy film that took the viewers by storm not only in it's originating country, India, but also the entire planet.

The story was about two friends named Farhan and Raju who are searching for Rancho, their long lost college buddy who helped them get thru their university years and greatly influenced the way they look at life.

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The journey to finding out whatever happened to Rancho started ten years after their graduation. Their search brought them to different places all over India as clues lead them from one place to another. As their journey continues, flashbacks of how they met Rancho and how he slowly become a very important person in their lives are shown every now and then.

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Will Farhan and Raju find Rancho? Is Rancho still alive? And what actually happened to him after graduation?


Aamir Khan is already in his 40s when he portrayed the role of Rancho, an Engineering student that changed the lives of his friends Farhan and Raju.

3 Idiots was based on a book called Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat.

Upon the release of the movie, it broke all the box office records in India at that time.

The movie made use of real inventions created by people across India.


This has to be one of my most favorite movies of all time because of its beauty in all aspects. First, the story was able to capture the beauty of friendship and how one person can affect the lives of many in a positive way. Second, watching this film is also like traveling to some of the most beautiful places in India. I especially like the scene when the guys are driving down the hill side and the song Behti Hawa Sa Tha Woh was playing in the background. Lovely! And then third, of course, a Bollywood movie is incomplete without the usual Bollywood music video like scenes and in 3 Idiots, I find each music number entertaining and at times, heart pumping especially during the part after that "big" (because I don't wanna spoil the movie for you) scene with Raju in Virus' office (you'll know what I mean by heart pumping once you've seen the movie). Fourth, Aamir Khan is in it! I mean, Aamir is known to be one of the few Bollywood actors who carefully chooses the movie he makes and stars in. But kidding aside, Aamir played his part in this movie perfectly. He was the right actor for the role and I just could not imagine anyone else playing Rancho. Last but not the least, the movie did not only entertain me for three hours. It also taught me lessons and even made me re-think my values and the way I look and handle situations.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, I urge you to do it asap and you'll never regret it!

Til next time guys!

Monday, March 3, 2014

A Little Thing Called Love (2010)

"We never forget those who make us blush." Jean-Francois De La Harpe

This movie I'm going to share with you guys today became viral online a couple of years ago up to this day and that was how I came to know about it.

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When I watched the movie, I was transported back to my high school years where giggling and gushing about the cutest and most handsome men in campus is part of my every day school life.


A Little Thing Called Love aka Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Thai: สิ่งเล็กเล็ก ที่เรียกว่า รัก Sing Lek Lek Thi Riak Wa Rak) was a Thai romantic comedy movie in 2010 that took the romcom world by storm even up to this day. The female lead role was played by Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul and the male lead role was portrayed by Mario Maurer. Both actors ' popularity skyrocketed the moment the movie rose to fame.

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The film revolves around Nam (Luevisadpaibul), an average teen student wearing thick eyeglasses and with dark complexion, who has a crush on a senior student who is also the school heartthrob named Shone (Maurer). Thinking of ways to get Shone's attention, Nam and her friends consulted a book entitled Nine Recipes of Love.

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Will Nine Recipes of Love really help Nam to get noticed by Shone?


Due to Luevisadpaibul and Maurer's global popularity, they both became endorsers of Penshoppe, a clothing brand in the Philippines.


Just like what I said above, watching this movie brought back good memories during my high school years. The beauty and innocence of young love is something that I will always admire and this film captured that concept perfectly. Whenever the movie would show Nam stealing glances at Shone and doing silly stuff just so she can get close to him, I could not help but smile because that is exactly how I used to do it whenever my high school crush is around.

Many people think that romantic comedy movies are shallow and unrealistic but movies like this one definitely disproves that idea. I'm sure that most, if not all, viewers who have seen this movie found themselves relating with one of the characters in the film in a scene or two.

If you haven't seen this movie yet and is looking for something that is light, entertaining, funny and even nostalgic at some point, you can try this one and hopefully enjoy it as much as I did.

Til next time!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Shaolin Soccer (2001)

"Everybody wants kung fu fighting!"

Does it sound familiar to you? Well, your guess is most probably correct. That is a line from a famous song Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas. Now, how is it related to my post today? Let's just say it kind of played  a big role in the film.

Movie Poster in UK (photo credits

I first watched Shaolin Soccer in one of our cable channels back home when I was in college. It was dubbed in Filipino and I thought it was an awesome movie.


Shaolin Soccer (2001) was a Hong Kong action comedy film directed by Stephen Chow who happens to be the actor as well who portrayed the male lead character in the movie.

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The movie was about Sing (Chow), a shaolin kung fu master, who is struggling to make ends meet everyday ever since he left the temple. Working as a junk collector, he thinks that kung fu can be applicable to the everyday lives of ordinary people and that he just has to find a way to convince them first.

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One day, an ex-soccer super star offered Sing an opportunity to play soccer and earn well. Convinced that he can also promote his kung fu advocacy, Sing contacted his other kung fu brothers who are all suffering the same fate as him at that time and asked them to join their soccer team and win the championship.

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So how is soccer related with kung fu?

If you haven't seen this movie yet, then watch it and find out the answer yourself. And if you have, I'm sure you know how soccer was related in kung fu in the film.


Stephen Chow dubbed his own voice in the North America release of this movie.

The movie was raining of Puma branded stuff and advertisements.


This was the first Stephen Chow movie I have ever seen and I was glad I did. It was an enjoyable movie to watch not only because of its funny scenes and lines but also because of the way they showed how awesome martial arts is. It may not be the usual Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee type of kung fu movie (which is a totally different kind of martial arts awesomeness by the way) but still very entertaining and cool. Also, the fact that the movie really has a good story, with a moral lesson in the end mind you, I think that this movie is worth watching not only by adults like me but even the younger generation.

Until next time!