Saturday, February 15, 2014

Welcome to My Asian Movies Diary!

Hello there! My name is Ankamil and I like watching movies, tv series, telenovelas and basically whatever is on the tv or in the big screen. And because of that, I've decided to create a blog that will allow me to share the movies I've seen so far. Since movies and tv series are a plenty, I just went ahead and focus on my most favorite of all and that is Asian movies. Asian movies are so vibrant, colorful and very refreshing since each Asian country has its own flair that exudes in its movies.

Below is a simple guide that I have created to those who are interested to join me with my Asian movies escapade.

Diary Content
First of all, I would like to tell everyone right now that I created this blog to share the movies that I've seen and whatever else I write aside from the movie's plot is just my opinion. I am not a professional movie critic or whatever people call those individuals who meticulously dissect every part of the movie to later on declare whether that movie is a hit or a miss. I will definitely talk about what I think are the good and bad points of the movie and if it was worth my time or not but they will all be just parts of my point of view. I will still leave it all up to my readers whether they would like to watch that movie or otherwise.

Since I will be talking about the good and bad points of the movie (in my opinion), spoilers will definitely pop up during those times. But don't worry. I will put a reminder or a spoiler alert shout out for the readers who haven't seen the movie yet so that it'll be up to them if they still want to continue reading or close the window right away.

Movie Genres
Now, when it comes to movie genres, I'm the usual chick who digs RomCom or Romantic Comedy flicks. However, don't be alarmed because I do watch non-RomCom films. In fact, I'm open to all kinds of movie genres as long as the story or even just the title has captured my interest.

Up to Date Movies
The Asian movies that I will be blogging about could be the latest film showing in cinemas now or it can also be something that has been shown years ago. Don't worry. I'll include the date on the blog title for reference.

Country of Origin
Most of the movies I am going to talk about will most likely come from countries such as Philippines (where I am from), South Korea (my dream destination), India (where my husband is from and where we are currently staying) and Thailand. However, it does not mean that I will not be posting movies from other Asian countries. I will do my best to watch at least one movie from every Asian country there is. How about that?

I am definitely open to movie suggestions so go ahead, drop me a comment and let me know if there is one film that I shouldn't miss and I'll definitely include that on my popcorn bucket list.

Up next is a 2001 Asian movie that I've seen and enjoyed so much back in 2003. It became so famous all around the globe that they did an American remake in 2008. Do you know which movie it is? Find out soon!

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